Indo-European Languages

Indo-european Indic Punjabi Urdu Bangla Hindi Iranian Kurdish Tajik Pashtu Persian farsi dari Latin romance Portuguese Spanish French Italian Romanian Celtic Welsh Gaelic Germanic Dutch German English Danish Swedish Norwegian Icelandic Balto-slavic Baltic Slavic Latvian Lithuanian Polish Czech Slovak Bulgarian Macedonian Serbo-croatian Slovenian Ukrainian Belarusian Russian Other Indo-european languages Armenian Greek Albanian

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Indo-European, also called Proto-Indo European (PIE), is a re-creation of a language spoken by people in Central Asia and Eastern Europe roughly 6,000 years ago. The original Indo-Europeans had no written language.

Indo-European Word English Equivalent
mayter mother
pehter father
gwou cow
oino one
dwo two
rei three
The Indo-Aryans settled in India about 1650 B.C. Sanskrit, shown here, was the earliest written Indo-Aryan language. Since about A.D. 600, Sanskrit has used a syllabic alphabet called Devanagari, which developed from the Brahmi alphabet.

Indic Word English Equivalent
matar mother
pitar father
gauh cow
eka one
dva two
trei three
Punjabi is the modern language of northwestern India and northeastern Pakistan. It uses two alphabets, Lahnda, which is related to Devanagari, and Gurmukhi.

Punjabi Word English Equivalent
mata mother
pita father
gar cow
ikk one
do two
tin three
Urdu is the modern language of Pakistan. Urdu uses a modified Persian alphabet.

Urdu Word English Equivalent
maan mother
baap father
gaae cow
ek one
dva two
tin three
Also called Bengali, Bangla is the modern language of Bangladesh and parts of eastern India. Bengali uses its own syllabic alphabet based on the Bramhi alphabet.

Bangla Word English Equivalent
mahtah mother
pitah father
goru cow
ack one
dui two
tin three
Hindi is the main language of northern and central India today. Hindi uses the Devanagari syllabic alphabet.

Hindi Word English Equivalent
mata mother
pita, bapa father
gaya cow
ack one
do two
tina three
Iranian speakers split off from the Indic speakers sometime before 600 B.C. and settled in Central Asia and present-day Iran. Avestan, the earliest written Iranian language, is very similar to the earliest forms of Sanskrit. Avestan uses its own alphabet based on the Aramaic alphabet of the Middle East.

Iranian Word English Equivalent
matar mother
pitar father
gaus cow
aeva one
dva two
thrayo three
Kurdish is the modern language of many in eastern Turkey, northwestern Iraq and Iran, and parts of Syria and Azerbaijan. Kurdish is written in three alphabets, depending on the country. Kurds in Turkey use the Roman alphabet. Kurds in Iraq, Iran, and Syria use the Arabic alphabet. Kurds in Azerbaijan uses the Cyrillic alphabet.

Kurdish Word English Equivalent
dayik, mader mother
bawikm aba father
celek cow
yek one
du two
seh three
Tajik is the language of Tajikistan as well as many people in Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and western China. Tajik is so similar to modern Persian (Farsi or Dari) that many consider them the same language. Tajik is written with either the Cyrillic or Persian alphabets.

Tajik Word English Equivalent
modar mother
padar father
gov cow
yak one
du two
se three
Also called Pashto, Pashtu is the main language of Afghanistan and is spoken by people in eastern Iran, Tajikstan, western Pakistan, and northwestern India. It uses its own alphabet based on the Arabic alphabet.

Pashtu Word English Equivalent
mor mother
plaar father
ghwaa cow
yaw one
dwa two
dre three
Persian was an official language of government throughout Central Asia as well as Turkey and India for centuries. Today it is mainly spoke in Iran, where it is called Farsi, and Afghanistan, where it is called Dari. Tajik is also considered by many to be a form of Persian. Persian is written with its own alphabet based on the Arabic alphabet.

Persian Word English Equivalent
madar mother
pehdar father
gahf cow
yek one
doh two
seh three
Latin was the language of the Romans and later of the Western Christian church. Today it is still used for scientific naming, legal phrases, and in some Roman Catholic documents. Most modern European languages use at least some Latin words and phrases. It is written with the Roman or Latin alphabet, which developed from the Greek and Phoenician alphabets.

Latin Word English Equivalent
mater mother
pater father
bos, bovis cow
unus one
duo two
tres three
Portuguese is the modern language of Portugal and Brazil. It is also used as a second language in southern Africa. Portuguese uses the Roman alphabet.

Portuguese Word English Equivalent
mae mother
pai father
vaca cow
um one
dois two
tres three
Also called Castilian, Spanish is the main modern language of Spain and Latin America. Spanish uses the Roman alphabet.

Spanish Word English Equivalent
madre mother
padre father
vaca cow
uno one
dos two
tres three
French is the modern language of France, southeastern Belgium, western Switzerland, Quebec in Canada, and Haiti. It is also used as a second language in much of Africa. French uses the Roman alphabet.

French Word English Equivalent
mere mother
pere father
vache cow
un one
deux two
trois three
Italian is the modern language of Italy and parts of southern Switzerland. Italian uses the Roman alphabet.

Italian Word English Equivalent
madre mother
padre father
mucca, vacca cow
uno one
due two
tre three
Romanian is the modern language of Romania and Moldova. Romanian uses a modified version of the Roman alphabet and has also used the Cyrillic alphabet in the past.

Romanian Word English Equivalent
mama mother
tata, parinte father
vaca cow
unu one
doi two
trei three
The Celtic languages were spoken from Galatia in modern Turkey to Ireland before the Roman Empire. Today Celtic languages survive only in isolated pockets along the Atlantic coast of Europe and the British Isles. Old Irish is the earliest widely written Celtic language. It used the Roman alphabet.

Celtic Word English Equivalent
mathir mother
athir father
bou cow
oen one
da two
tri three
Welsh is spoken in Wales in western Great Britain. Almost all Welsh speakers also use English as an everyday language. Welsh uses a modified Roman alphabet.

Welsh Word English Equivalent
mam mother
tad father
buwch cow
un one
dau two
tri three
Gaelic is the name of the indigenous languages of Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man. Irish Gaelic is the most common, and even so Irish Gaelic is limited mainly to the west coast of Ireland. Most Gaelic speakers also speak English. Irish and Scottish Gaelic use a modified Roman alphabet.

Gaelic Word (Irish Gaelic) English Equivalent
maithair mother
athair father
bo cow
aon one
do two
tri three
Germanic-speaking people settled in Scandinavia and north of the Alps sometime around 750 B.C. Germanic-speaking tribes were the main barbarian groups that invaded the Roman Empire in the A.D 300s and 400s. Gothic is the earliest widely written Germanic language, although it belongs to the extinct East Germanic family. Gothic was based on the Greek alphabet but included some Roman letters and Germanic Runes.

Germanic Word English Equivalent
aithei mother
fadar father
kov cow
ains one
twai two
drie three
Dutch is the modern language of the Netherlands and some Caribbean islands. A version of Dutch called Flemish is the language of northern Belgium. Dutch uses the Roman alphabet.

Dutch Word English Equivalent
ouder, moeder mother
pater, vader father
koe cow
men one
twee two
drie three
German is the modern language of Germany, Austria, and northern Switzerland. There are also German-speaking communities throughout Central and Eastern Europe. German uses the Roman alphabet. Written German capitalizes all nouns.

German Word English Equivalent
Mutter mother
Vater father
Kuh cow
ein one
zwei two
drie three
English is the modern language of the British Isles, United States, Canada, several Caribbean islands, Australia, and New Zealand. English is widely used as a second language throughout much of the world. English has an unusually large number of words from other languages, especially French, Latin, and Greek. English uses the Roman alphabet.

English Words
Danish is the modern language of Denmark and many people in Greenland. Danish uses a modified Roman alphabet.

Danish Word English Equivalent
moder mother
fader father
ko cow
et, en one
to two
tre three
Swedish is the modern language of Sweden and is also spoken in Denmark, Norway, and Finland. Swedish uses a modified Roman alphabet.

Swedish Word English Equivalent
moder, mor mother
far, fader father
ko cow
man, en one
tva two
tre three
Norwegian is the modern language of Norway. Until the 1830s Norwegian was treated as a dialect of Danish. One written form of Norwegian called Bokmål (book language) is almost the same as written Danish. Norwegian uses a modified Roman alphabet.

Norwegian Word English Equivalent
mor mother
far father
ku cow
en one
to two
tre three
Icelandic is the modern language of Iceland. Icelandic is very similar to Old Norse, the earliest written North Germanic language. Icelandic uses a significantly modified Roman alphabet.

Icelandic Word English Equivalent
moour mother
faoir father
kyr cow
einn one
tvi two
briggia three
Balto-Slavic speakers settled Eastern Europe. Balto-Slavic languages were not written until well after the split into the Baltic and Slavic branches.
Baltic languages continue to use grammatical forms and pronunciations long abandoned by other Indo-European languages. Baltic languages were also among the last Indo-European languages to be written. The earliest written Baltic language was Old Prussian, first in A.D. 1300. Old Prussian used the Roman alphabet.

Baltic Word English Equivalent
mate mother
taws father
kurwas cow
ains one
dwai two
trijan three
Slavic languages developed in the region of modern European Russia. They spread into Central Europe and the Balkans in the A.D. 500s. The earliest written Slavic language is Old Church Slavonic, developed by Greek missionaries Cyril and Methodius and based on Old Bulgarian. Old Church Slavonic used its own alphabet developed by Cyril called Glagolithic, based on Greek cursive. A few centuries later a new alphabet was developed called Cyrillic, which was closer to printed Greek.

Slavic Word English Equivalent
mati mother
otici father
krava cow
inu one
duva two
trije three
Latvian is the modern language of Latvia. Latvian uses a modified Roman alphabet.

Latvian Word English Equivalent
mate mother
teva father
govs cow
viens one
divi two
tris three
Lithuanian is the modern language of Lithuania. Many linguists consider Lithuanian to be the oldest living Indo-European language. Lithuanian uses a modified Roman alphabet.

Lithuanian Word English Equivalent
motina mother
tevas father
karves cow
vienas one
du two
trys three
Polish is the modern language of Poland and some communities in Belarus and Lithuania. Polish uses a modified Roman alphabet.

Polish Word English Equivalent
matka mother
ojciec father
krowa cow
jeden one
dwoch two
trzy three
Czech is the modern language of the Czech Republic. Czech is very similar to Slovak. Czech uses a modified Roman alphabet.

Czech Word English Equivalent
matka mother
otec father
krava cow
jeden one
dve two
tri three
Slovak is the modern language of Slovakia. Slovak is very similar to Czech. Slovak uses a modified Roman alphabet.

Slovak Word English Equivalent
matka mother
otec father
krava cow
jeden one
dve two
tri three
Bulgarian is the modern language of Bulgaria. Bulgarian uses the Cyrillic alphabet.

Bulgarian Word English Equivalent
mayka mother
bashta father
krava cow
edno one
dve two
tri three
Macedonian is the modern language of Macedonia. It is not related to Ancient Macedonian used by Alexander the Great. Macedonian uses the Cyrillic alphabet.

Macedonian Word English Equivalent
majka mother
tatko father
krava cow
eden one
dva two
tri three
Serbo-Croatian is the modern language of Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and communities in Montenegro and Kosovo. Sometimes Serbo-Croatian is considered three different languages, Serbian, Croatian, and Bosnian. In Serbia, Serbo-Croatian mainly uses the Cyrillic alphabet. In Croatia, it uses mainly the Roman alphabet. In Bosnia, both alphabets are used as well as a modified Arabic alphabet.

Serbo-Croatian Word English Equivalent
majka mother
otac father
kravljeg cow
jeden one
dva two
tri three
Slovenian is the modern language of Slovenia. Slovenian uses a modified Roman alphabet.

Slovenian Word English Equivalent
mati mother
oceta father
dojilje cow
ena one
dva two
three three
Ukrainian is the modern language of Ukraine. Ukrainian uses the Cyrillic alphabet.

Ukrainian Word English Equivalent
mati mother
bat'ka father
korova cow
odin one
dva two
tri three
Belarusian is the modern language of Belarus. Belarusian uses the Cyrillic alphabet.

Belarusian Word English Equivalent
maci mother
bac'ki father
karova cow
adein one
dva two
tr'l three
Russian is the modern language of Russia with large Russian-speaking communities in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus. Russian uses the Cyrillic alphabet.

Russian Word English Equivalent
matr mother
otec father
korova cow
odin one
dva two
tri three
Several branches of the Indo-European family have become extinct or have only one surviving example. In other cases the language is clearly Indo-European, but the language belongs to no known branch.
Armenian is the modern language of Armenia with Armenian-speaking communities in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, and Turkey. Armenian has its own alphabet, probably developed from the same alphabet as Avestan Persian.

Armenian Word English Equivalent
mayr mother
hayr father
kov cow
mek one
yerku two
yerek three
Greek has the oldest written tradition in Europe. Its modern form is the language of Greece and Cyprus. Many words in other European languages came from Greek. Greek uses its own alphabet developed from the Phoenician alphabet. Greek was the first alphabet to include vowels.

Greek Word English Equivalent
mitera mother
pateraz father
booeli cow
ena one
dyo two
treiz three
Albanian is the modern language of Albania and Kosovo, with significant communities in Serbia, Macedonia, and Montenegro. Albanian has used many alphabets, but its modern alphabet is a modified Roman alphabet.

Albanian Word English Equivalent
nene mother
baba father
bageti cow
nie one
dy two
tre three