North America before 1492 three rival kingdoms alexandria hellenistic culture

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Macedon, ruled by Antigonus, still dominated northern Greece and the Greek city-states. In wealthy Egypt, Ptolemy established a new dynasty of pharaohs. Seleucus rules over Babylonia and Syria.
The Museum and Library at Alexandria became international centers for higher learning and the arts. Great advances in medicine, astronomy, mathematics, geography, and science are made here. Many great poets call Alexandria their home.
Greek culture and language has a great influence over the lands conquered by Alexander the Great. Greeks also adopt local customs. The result is a fusion of cultures called "Hellenistic" (as opposed to "Hellenic," which is Greek culture alone). The Hebrew temple in Jerusalem briefly houses a statue of Zeus. The Ptolemies become pharaohs and create Serapis, a fusion of Greek and Egyptian gods. Hellenistic kings in India convert to Buddhism.