Unit 1
Page Atlas Element Website Element
6B Sea Level at the Bering Strait Global Climate
8 Introductory text Development of Specialization
12A Assyria and Babylon Hammurabi's Code
14B Attacks on Hebrew Kingdoms Hebrew Kingdoms
14 Gods or gods? The Torah
  Philosophy/Religion Chart: Judaism
Unit 2
Page Atlas Element Website Element
18C Powers that Ruled Ancient Egypt Greeks Rule Egypt
22 What did Conficius say? Analects of Confucius
  Confucian System
  Philosophy/Religion Chart: Confucianism, Taoism, Hinduism, and Buddhism
24 What do Hindus believe? Laws of Manu
  Hindu Caste System
  Philosophy/Religion Chart: Confucianism, Taoism, Hinduism, and Buddhism
25 Aryans and Hinduism Indo-European Languages
26A Buddha photo Turning the Wheel of Truth
  Philosophy/Religion Chart: Confucianism, Taoism, Hinduism, and Buddhism
26D Top 10 Cities, A.D. 100 Largest Cities of Time
28 Why the Difference? Early South American Civilizations
  Early North American Farming Cultures
Unit 3
Page Atlas Element Website Element
30B Mycenaean Greece The Iliad
31D Greece and Its Colonies Ancient Greece and Trade
33C Peloponnesian War Social Structure of Sparta
  Pericles' Funeral Oration
33D Democracy in Athens Development of Athenian Democracy
33E Socrates photo Apology of Socrates
  Philosophy/Religion Chart: Platonism, Christianity
34B How Big Was Alexander's Empire? Size of Empires
35D Alexander Conquers Persia Hellenistic Kingdoms
36A Julius Caeser image Commentaries on the Gallic War by Julius Caesar
39C Contributions of Rome Major Roads
39D How Big Was the Roman Empire? Size of Empires
39E Latin Origins of Modern Languages Languages of the Roman Empire
41 What is Christianity? Sermon of Jesus
  Philosophy/Religion Chart: Platonism, Christianity
41D Paul in Athens image Paul's Letter to the Galatians
43E Top 10 Cities, A.D. 500 Largest Cities Over Time
Unit 4
Page Atlas Element Website Element
44-45 Silk Road and Other Trade Routes Culture Regions
  Major Roads
  Spread of Gunpowder
46A Qur'an photo Qur'an
  Philosophy/Religion Chart: Islam, Shintoism
46B Spread of Muslim Empires Early Muslim Empires
51C How Big Was the Mongol Empire? Size of Empires
53D Ming China and Trade Forbidden City
54B Top 10 Cities, 900 Largest Cities Over Time
Unit 5
56A Bantu Migrations Bantu Languages
58 Introductory text Religion in Africa, 750
  Religion in Africa, 1500
59D Travels of Ibn Battuta Travels
62B Bantu and East African States Swahili City-States
Unit 6
68B King John Magna Carta
73D Europe 800-1500 Deaths by Disease
  World Population
Unit 7
76A Marco Polo image Book of Marvels
78B Henry the Navigator image Beginnings of European exploration
79C Western European Explorations by Sea Travel Times
  Technology of Exploration
80A Tenochtitlan image Hernan Cortes' description of Mexico
81C Inca Empire Major Roads
82A European Exploration and Settlement Jamestown
83B Plantation image Slavery in the Americas
  Olaudah Equiano's description of the Middle Passage
83C European Land Claims and Early Cities Colonial Structure
84A Horses image Lakota Winter Count Calendar
85C Destination of Slaves Atlantic Slave Trade
85 What happened to the original Americans? Native Americans After Contact
85D Slave Trade Slavery Wars
Unit 8
86-87 The Renaissance Spreads Across Europe Renaissance Italy
86A Shakespeare image Hamlet
86C Don Quixote image Don Quixote
88A Martin Luther image Luther's speech before the emperor
92A Mercantilism and Free Trade Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
92B European Trade Empires Slavery in the Americas
  Manchu China
  Maratha Kingdom and the Mughal Empire
94A Scientific Revolution Dialogue of the Two World Systems by Galileo Galilei
  Principia Mathematica by Isaac Newton
95C Enlightenment Discourse on the Method
  Second Treatise on Government
  English Bill of Rights
  Spirit of Laws
  Social Contract
Unit 9
96A Independence in North America U.S. Constitution
  Mexico Divides
  Making of Canada
98C French Revolution Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
  Governments of Revolutionary France
101C Industial Revolution cartoon Marxist Model of Society
  Communist Manifesto
103C Revolutions in Europe Revolutions Sweep Europe
103D New Countries of Europe Italian Unification
104A European and American Territories British Conquest of India
105C China and Japan Opened to Trade Manchu China
106A Boxer Rebellion image Boxer Rebellion
106B Resisting Imperialism British Conquest of India
107 Did the United States have an empire? U.S. Power in Middle America
Unit 10
107D Top 10 Cities, 1900 Largest Cities Over Time
108B How Big was Britain's Empire in Africa? Size of Empires
111D New Countries and Territories Fourteen Points, Woodrow Wilson
113D Communists and Fascists Communist Party State
114A Axis vs. Allies Axis and Allied Resources
  Blood, Toil, Tears, Sweat, Winston Churchill
  Atlantic Charter
114-115B World War II Lend-Lease Routes
114 What was the "final solution"? Major Nazi Camps
115D Lives Lost in World Wars Hiroshima
116A Berlin Wall photo Divided Berlin
116B Nuclear test photo Nuclear Testing
117D Nuclear Standoff Nuclear Arms Race
  U.S. Nuclear Weapons
117E The Cold War Turns Hot Cold War Resources
118A Chinese Civil War China After the Emperors
120A Gandhi photo Gandhi's speech before the Salt March
123D Persian Gulf War Iraq Between the Wars
124A Climate photo Global Climate
124C Top 10 Cities, 2010 Largest Cities Over Time
  World Population
125D World Conflicts Flight 93 Recording
  United Nations
  UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights